Recumbent Cycle-Con 2018 otherwise known as RCC is in Nashville this year. This will be the 7th Recumbent Cycle-Con show, which has grown to be the largest recumbent show in the world.
The beginning of Laid Back Cycles started when Mickey the founder of LBC decided to check out what is now the largest recumbent show in the world, RCC. Mickey met Jeff of Terratrike and Ian of Greenspeed and built what has become an amazing strategic relationship with. Later Mickey joined forces with Catrike as well to bring their trikes to LBC.

Recumbent Cycle-Con
At RCC you will have the opportunity to test ride many different recumbents from manufacturers from all over the world, speak face to face with the manufacturers, and talk to dealers and owners from all over the USA.
You may also see Mickey walking around checking out what’s new and shooting the bull with other industry leaders.
This year the show will be in Nashville, Tennessee, at Nashville Fairgrounds, 625 Smith Avenue, Nashville, TN 37203. It will be in the Agriculture Building, which at over 20,000 square feet, it is larger than last year’s hall in Philadelphia.
This year the official hotel will be the Hyatt Place Nashville/Brentwood, 202 Summit View Drive, Brentwood, Tennessee, 37027 USA

Saturday, October 13 from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday Admission $10.00
Sunday, October 14 from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Sunday Admission is FREE with preregistration.
On Saturday and Sunday, the show opens to recumbent enthusiasts as well as industry members, who will enjoy seeing all the newest in recumbent bikes, trikes, tandems, gear and equipment, meet with factory staff and representatives from the major recumbent builders and accessory suppliers, and ride all the latest recumbent bikes and trikes on our Outdoor Demo Arena.
Who Will Be There?
Since 2011, the Recumbent Cycle-Con has grown to become the largest gathering of the recumbent industry in North America. The list of our RC-C Exhibitors is a “who’s who” of the most prominent companies, in the recumbent business:
Alpaca Carriers, ATOC – 2018 Booth #49, Avenue Trikes – 2018 Booth #38, AZUB Bike – 2018 Booth #22, Bacchetta Bikes – 2018 Booth #43, Bend It Cycling – 2018 Booth #10, Big Leaf Canopies – 2018 Booth #3, BentRider Online – 2018 Booth #16, Catrike – 2018 Booth #48, Easy Load Ramps – 2018 Booth #1, Falco eMotors – 2018 Booth #21, Greenspeed – 2018 Booth #5, Hase Bikes – 2018 Booth #42, HP Velotechnik – 2018 Booth #47, ICE Trikes – 2018 Booth #44, Laidback Bike Report – 2018 Booth #14, Lightning Cycle Dynamics – 2018 Booth #19, Performer Recumbents – 2018 Booth #35, RANS Recumbents – 2018 Booth #20